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Council on Aging Meeting Minutes 1/28/15
                                Council on Aging
                        Minutes – January 28, 2015
The meeting was opened at 10 am with M. Brown, K. Purcell, R. Champingy  and  L. Hebert present.  Joining the meeting were Norma Champigny, Ray Tryon, Cynthia Weber, June Tryon, Estella Bodner, Francine Eget.  All enjoyed the “Meet and Greet” session.  Many suggestions for the council were offered; the most positive responses were to trips, “get a call-make a call” outreach and lunches.  A more complete list will be available at the next meeting.
The minutes of January 14th were read and accepted.
Budget: Gould Farm’s bill for $14.40 (today’s cookies) was approved and submitted to the accountant for payment.   M. Brown will clarify the charge for a laptop and software on the CoA account.
Michael Johnson delivered a projector and 2 screens.  A DVD player will be required.
M. Brown will arrange a lunch at Roadside Store for February 25th.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 am.
K. Purcell